French-German TeraHertz Conference 2022
The biennial meetings of the German Terahertz Center (DTZ) and the corresponding French event (“THz days”) have come together to...
Nature’s review article
"The long reach of dipoles" by Mark Buchanan Nature Physics publishes an online article about the last results disclosed...
Radio – A L’UM la Science avec Jérémie Torrès
Jérémie Torrès a répondu à l'invitation de l'équipe de l'émission radiophonique A L'UM la Science diffusée sur la radio...
New PostDoc position is open – FZJ
Postdoc in the field of long-range electrodynamic interactions between proteins Working place: Institute of Neuroscience and... review article
"Experimental evidence for long-distance electrodynamic intermolecular forces" by Thamarasee Jeewandara (Science...
Physics World’s review article
"Experimental evidence found for long-distance intermolecular forces" by Tim Wogan Physics World publishes an online...
“Agent-based models for detecting the driving forces of biomolecular interactions”
ABSTRACT Agent-based modelling and simulation have been effectively applied to the study of complex biological systems,...
LINkS’ First Publication is released in Science Advances Magazine: “Experimental evidence for long-distance electrodynamic intermolecular forces”
Science Advances publishes the discovery of long-distance forces acting between proteins with a potential to sustain the high...
A day in the lab with Project LINkS
In the framework of an internship to observe a professional environment, secondary school students from the city of Montpellier...
PhD position open – University of Gothenburg
PhD studentship in molecular biophysics Ref PAR 2021/1541 The University of Gothenburg tackles society’s challenges with diverse...