Summary & Work Packages
The LINkS research project is coordinated by CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) Délégation Occitanie Est. LINkS has been selected by the European Commission and is funded for 4 years from the 2021 September 1st. LINkS project, entitled Long-range electrodynamic INteractions between proteinS, is laureate of the “Future and Emerging Technologies-OPEN-1-2018-2020” European call for project. The FET-OPEN call is one of the H2020 programme’s most competitive calls. The success rate in the “Research and Innovation Action” category of this call is 6.6%. Only 58 projects have been selected from a total of 877 applications at the European level. It is worth noting that among the laureates, 5 projects are coordinated by French universities or National Institute.
Biomolecular reactions, especially between proteins, are responsible for the transmission of information in cells. The scope of the EU-funded LINkS project is to unveil long-range electrodynamic interactions (LEDIs) between biomolecules as a mechanism which sustains molecular dynamics in cells. For this purpose, researchers will develop an unprecedented biosensor technology that can measure LEDIs in the real complexity of biological systems. Long-term, the LINkS technology will help understand how electromagnetic fields impact living organisms and assist in drug discovery and biomarker identification efforts in research and medicine.
Out-of-equilibrium THz spectroscopy
The aim of this WP is to design biological models able to provide a full theoretical description of the involved phenomena in the sense of energy transfer, coherence time and amplitude of the oscillation modes at each frequency in a realistic model. Outcomes conjugated with experimental conditions for physical and physiological parameters to THz collective oscillations of proteins will provide precondition for long range electrodynamic interactions activations.
THz biosensor
This WP intends to develop novel lab-on-chip terahertz biosensor which is expected to greatly improve spectroscopy capabilities of biological moieties in solution. The proposed work package involves the design and experimental study as well as the optimization of THz electronic nanodevices for integration into microfluidic system with advanced spectroscopy performances for 0.1 to 0.4 THz.
Evidencing LEDIs
This WP aims to establishing through theory and experiments, the experimental conditions for activation of Long range ElectroDynamic Interactions (LEDIs) in relevant biological models. Starting form this point, the activation of long range electrodynamic interactions will be demonstrated from in vitro to in vivo conditions by THz spectroscopy using the outcomes of WP1 and technical solutions from WP 2.
Project coordination & Management
The aim of this WP is to ensure an efficient scientific, technical, legal, administrative and financial project management in order to meet the project goals. This includes:
1- Setting up an efficient management structure;
2- Monitoring results, deliverables and achievements to fulfil the objectives;
3- Planning Risk Management through appropriate mitigation measures and alternative approaches whenever necessary.
The Advisory Board will participate to the consortium meetings, will oversee the project evolution by providing top level advices and will help the whole consortium by keeping a strong attention to prevent the potential risks.
Dissemination, communication & exploitation of the results
The main objective of this WP is the supervision of the activities linked to the exploitation and the communication of the project results, as well as to manage the Intellectual Property (IP) issues.
Dissemination of project results is essential for a successful achievement of the project objectives and to ensure maximum benefit for the international scientific and economic community, for policy makers and the general public too. All the partners are strongly committed to organize a wide dissemination of the results
The project will be presented to the scientific community at conferences and workshops. For public at large, the goal is to increase the understanding and public knowledge of LINkS outcomes.
Out-of-equilibrium THz-spectroscopy
The aim of this WP is to design biological models able to provide a full theoretical description of the involved phenomena in the sense of energy transfer , coherence time and amplitude of the oscillation modes at each frequency in a realistic model. Outcomes conjugated with experimental conditions for physical and physiological parameters to THz collective oscillations of proteins will provide precondition for long range electrodynamic interactions activations.
Lab-on-Chip THz biosensor
Lab-on-Chip THz biosensor is intended to develop novel lab-on-chip terahertz biosensor which is expected to greatly improve spectroscopy capabilities of biological moieties in solution. The proposed work package involves the design and experimental study and the optimization of THz electronic nanodevices for integration into microfluidic system with advanced spectroscopy performances for 0.1 to 0.4 THz.
Evidencing LEDIs activation
This WP aims to establishing through theory and experiments, the experimental conditions for activation of Long range ElectroDynamic Interactions (LEDIs) in relevant biological models. Starting form this point, the activation of long range electrodynamic interactions will be demonstrated from in vitro to in vivo conditions by THz spectroscopy using the outcomes of WP1 and technical solutions from WP2.
Project coordination and Management
The aim of this WP is to ensure an efficient scientific, technical, legal, administrative and financial project management in order to meet the project goals. This includes:
1- Setting up an efficient management structure;
2- Monitoring results, deliverables and achievements to fulfil the objectives;
3- Planning Risk management through appropriate mitigation measures and alternative approaches whenever necessary.
The Advisory Board will participate to the consortium meetings, will oversee the project evolution by providing top level advices and will help the whole consortium by keeping a strong attention to prevent the potential risks.
Dissemination, communication and exploitation of the results
The main objective of this WP is the supervision of the activities linked to the exploitation and the communication of the project results, as well as to manage the Intellectual Property (IP) issues.
Dissemination of project results is essential for a successful achievement of the project objectives and to ensure maximum benefit for the international scientific and economic community, for policy makers and the general public too. All the partners are strongly committed to organize a wide dissemination of the results
The project will be presented to the scientific community at conferences and workshops. For public at large, the goal is to increase the understanding and public knowledge of LINkS outcomes.