Home 5 News 5 NEW POSITION: PostDoc (M/W) – Microwaves/RF/Terahertz spectroscopy in Montpellier (France)

NEW POSITION: PostDoc (M/W) – Microwaves/RF/Terahertz spectroscopy in Montpellier (France)

Feb 1, 2023 | News

General information

Contract Period: from hiring to August 31th,  2025
Expected date of employment : on the run.
Proportion of work : Full time
Remuneration: Between 2 497 and 3 160 € gross salary monthly according to experience
Desired level of education : Higher than 5-year university degree
Experience required: 1 to 4 years


The missions consist in implementing a new kind of near-field probe based set-up operating in the sub-terahertz (THz) frequency range. The experimental configuration mainly uses microwaves instrumentations (electrical spectrum analyzers, signal generators, frequency multipliers, etc.). The final aim is to fully characterize this set-up to realize THz spectroscopy on optically excited proteins. This recruitment offer is part of the European FET Open LINkS project (https://project-links.eu/) coordinated by the CNRS in Montpellier.

Work Context

The activity will be carried out at the Institute of Electronics and Systems (IES, UMR5214) located in Montpellier, in the framework of the European project LINkS. The objective is to implement a microwaves/RF/THz experimental configuration allowing to experimentally demonstrate the activation of protein-protein attraction mechanisms over long distances[1] by changing the paradigms of the self-organization of the intracellular living matter. IES has an internationally recognized expertise in this field of research[2].


Main activities
– Free-space (microwaves/RF/THz) alignment and characterization,
– Data acquisition (spectroscopy) campaign on model proteins,
– Data analysis with home-made tools.

Secondary activities
– Writing of reports on the results obtained,
– Communication of results within and outside the consortium of the project.


Master’s degree or higher  in electronics/microwaves, instrumental physics or equivalent.


– Candidates should be familiar with the use of RF/microwave instrumentation.
– Ability for Data Treatment,
– Ability to work in a team and to collaborate in a project context involving international collaborators.
– English

To apply on CNRS’ portal, click here.

Contact : jeremie.torres@umontpellier.fr

[1] [1] H. Fröhlich, Nature 228, 12 (1970) [2] J. Preto, M. Pettini, et al. Phys. Rev. E, 052710 (2015) [3] Z. Zhang, Marlan O. Scully, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 158101 (2019)
[2] [4] M. Lechelon et al. Science Adv. 8, eabl5855 (2022) [5] I. Nardecchia et al. Phys. Rev. X, 8, 031061 (2018)


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